Looking for Support: Overcoming Shyness and Fear in My Gender Transition - Druckversion

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Looking for Support: Overcoming Shyness and Fear in My Gender Transition - BecomingHikari - 23.07.2024

I am 23 years old, extremely shy, and I want to be a girl. However, every time I interact with other people, I get very hot and can't get a word out.

When I try to wear women's clothes in public or even privately in front of my family, my legs turn to stone, and I can't move, just at the thought of it. Even though my family is very tolerant.

I feel very frustrated and alone because I can't express who I really am. I want to overcome this shyness and fear, but I don't know how. I worry that I'll never be able to live my life as the person I truly am inside.

I would really appreciate any advice or support from others who have experienced similar feelings or challenges. How can I start to feel more comfortable and confident in being myself?

RE: Looking for Support: Overcoming Shyness and Fear in My Gender Transition - Foxy Lady - 24.07.2024

What you fear most, is what you must face. There is no other way, darling!

RE: Looking for Support: Overcoming Shyness and Fear in My Gender Transition - Sophie-Marie - 27.07.2024

Hey. Smile
I can understand that it is hard at the start and there are sure a lot of szenarios in your head now. What I can say is, that the world can be cruel and use your weakness and your insecureness. That makes it after that even more difficult. I would recommend you firstly a safe space where you can be just you and don't have to bother about that...maybe a trans-meet with peoples who feel the same...with time you get more secure and confidence and when you feel that, it is also much easier for the persons around you to accept your "different role" now when you are able to transmit that you feel much better in the different role.