Die AktivistInnen in Russland melden einen ersten Erfolg, den sie auch auf die internationale Kampagne zurückführen. Bis jetzt gibt es fast 172.000 Unterschriften unter die Petition.
Eine Lesung in der gesetzgebenden Versammlung, die für heute, 23.11.20011, angesetzt war wurde auf den 30. November verschoben.
Die AktivistInnen in Russland appellieren an die internationale LGBT community, weiterhin Druck auf die Politiker in Russland auszuüben.
Quelle: trans-info-europe Mailingliste, 23.11.2011
Dear friends and colleagues!
With your help we have reached our first victory in the struggle to stop the homophobic law to silence the gay movement in Russia.
To remind you, the process to adopt the new law follows three steps: three readings in the Legislative assembly (one per week). The bill already passed the first reading last Wednesday, with 37 voices for and only one against the bill. The second reading of the bill was scheduled to take place today, 23 November, 2011, however the reading has been temporarily postponed until 30 November, 2011!
This shows our campaign of public actions, demonstrations, direct appeals to the lawmakers and politicians, and support by you is WORKING!
This victory is a very small step. The threat to the LGBT community and human rights remains very real and there is still a very long way to go. This delay by lawmakers wins us time to CONTINUE TO PRESSURE our government. We ask you to continue your support by:
- Requesting your leaders to contact our politicians and speak out against this law
- Requesting your mass media to cover the issue and approach our politicians for comments
- Signing the petition on AllOut (
We will keep you updated on the progress of this campaign. For more detailed information please contact Polina Savchenko (polina@comingoutspb.ru) who will coordinate international advocacy efforts on the Russian side.
We thank you for your continued involvement.
Special thanks to ILGA-Europe for helping us coordinate international advocacy and putting us in contact with key actors.
On November 11, 2011, St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly approved a bill to ban the so-called propaganda of "sodomy, lesbianism, bisexualism and transgenderism, and pedophilia to minors": a blatant attempt to ban distribution of any information about being gay, lesbian or transgender, effectively preventing LGBT rights work in Russia and endangering openly gay people. To become law, the bill must pass three readings and be signed into law by the governor. The bill already passed the first reading on Wednesday November 16, second reading is scheduled for November 30.
Polina Savchenko
LGBT organization Coming Out
Russian LGBT Network