Beitrag #33
16.12.2018, 11:00
Kleine Nachlese zum Thema Reuefälle, die Kronzeugen der rechtsgewirkten Transphobiker (und unterirdische Leserkommentare gibt's auch):
'I believe I'm proof no man can truly become a woman': It's a hugely controversial statement, but Leanne, who's never really found happiness after a sex-change operation 23 years ago, wants to warn others that surgery isn't always the answer (MailOnline)
Transgender: „Ich bin der Beweis, dass kein Mann eine Frau sein kann“ (JouWatch)
'I believe I'm proof no man can truly become a woman': It's a hugely controversial statement, but Leanne, who's never really found happiness after a sex-change operation 23 years ago, wants to warn others that surgery isn't always the answer (MailOnline)
Transgender: „Ich bin der Beweis, dass kein Mann eine Frau sein kann“ (JouWatch)