Beitrag #107
02.03.2015, 09:03
(25.02.2015, 13:31)Sandra_Schmid schrieb: die 'goettin' der feministen ist ebenso doof wie der 'gott' der machos.finde ich.
Das ist DEINE Meinung!
ich als Wicca sehe es notabene etwas anders. Während bei den Männergöttern ein "entweder oder" (entweder, du bist für mich, oder du bist verdammt), kennen die Göttinnen ein "sowohl als auch".
In Männerreligionen werden Transmenschen abgelehnt, in der Religion der Göttin haben sie ihren Platz, und das schon in der Antike:
Zitat:In Canaan we find the Goddess as Athirat also called Asherah or Astarte and Her hierodule transsexual priestesses, the Qedshtu. It should be noted that just as Gallae is changed into Gallus denying the very gender of these priestesses and erasing the truth of their lives, the bible refers to them as Qedeshim (masculine). The functions of the Qedshtu were almost identical to those of the Assinnu and sexual congress with the Qedshtu was considered sex with Athirat Herself. Apparently they also practiced a tantric sexual rite accompanied by drums and other instruments and also used flagellation to obtain an estatic state. The worship of Athirat dates back as far as 8000 BCE by the Natufians who were replaced around 4000 BCE by the Yarmukians. The young consort, Baal added around this time and somewhat better known in biblical times as El. By around 2000 BCE the Qedshtu worn long flowing caftans made of mixed colours, interweaved with gold and silver threads intended to envoke a vision of Athirat in Her full glory in the springtime and are thought to have also worn veils over their faces. They were renown for charity, maintained the garden like groves and temples of Athirat and were prized potters and weavers. Among the surviving rites was the preparation of a sacred ritual food made from a mixture of milk, butter, mint and coriander blended in a cauldron and blessed by lighting seven blocks of incense over the top while accompanied by music played by other Qedshtu.Quelle:
Und auch im modernen Heidentum gibt es, bis auf wenige radikalfeministisch-seperatistische Ausnahmen (z.B. die Wicca dianischer Tradition), die kein Problem mit Transsexuellen haben.
"Ein Mensch wird in der Kirche aufgenommen für das war er glaubt -- und aus ihr rausgeworfen für das was er weiß." -- Mark Twain