Beitrag #2
21.03.2018, 18:06
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.03.2018, 18:07 von Bonita.)
Die anonyme Umfrage für Transgender in Österreich, Estland, Polen, Spanien, Schweden und Vereinigtem Königreich ist nun online:
Zitat:Sehr geehrtes Team,
endlich ist mein Fragebogen zu queer und trans Reproduktion mit Neuen
Reproduktionstechnologien online. Unterhalb befinden sich die Info (Call for
Participants) und der Link zur Umfrage.
Gerne bin ich Ihnen behilflich, wenn Sie noch Fragen dazu haben.
Mit lieben Grueszen aus Schweden,
Doris Leibetseder
Dr Doris Leibetseder
Centre for Gender Research/Centrum för Genusvetenskap
Uppsala University
New Project:
Postal Address:
Engelska parken, Humanistiskt centrum
Thunbergsvägen 3G
Box 527, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
Visiting Address:
Villavägen 6, 752 36 Uppsala
“Queer and Transgender Reproduction & Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs)”
Are you a LGBTQ-person (self-defining as lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer or transgender), and do you want to use or have used Assisted Reproductive Technologies (such as artificial insemination, IVF, surrogacy, etc.)?
If your answer to this is yes, you are aged 21+, and you are able to speak and understand English, I would like to invite you to take part in this study on queer and transgender experiences with ARTs.
My name is Dr Doris Leibetseder and I am a researcher and Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Uppsala University, Sweden, working with my faculty advisors Professor Gabriele Griffin and Dr Ulrika Dahl on this study.
Why take part?
This research will contribute to articulating the experiences, rights and challenges of queer and trans people with ARTs. The final aim is guidelines for queer- and trans-inclusive European ART-regulations.
If you agree to participate in this research, you can fill in the online-survey (approx. 30 min), which will involve questions about your experiences and challenges with ARTs and your suggestions for improvement. Here is the link to the survey:
„NATSUME! NATSUMEe! NATSUMEee!“ — Nyanko-Sensei